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Manufacturing Sector

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Guatemalan Manufacturing

Guatemala is strategically located for the production and distribution of Manufacturing for global trade. The country has huge benefits, advantages and natural and man-made productive potential in a joint effort by the Guatemalan public and private sectors, among them, 13 Trade Agreements that provide preferential access to international markets.


The AGEXPORT Manufacturing Sector is made up of visionary business persons committed to the economic and social development of the country, always in search of new opportunities and the development of new products to adapt to trends and changes in the international market.


The exports of the sector in the last 20 years have gone from 30% of total Guatemalan exports to 58%.

Guatemalan Manufacturing exceed expectations



The Manufacturing Sector has strategic allies that contribute to the development of the sector, such as:

AGEXPORT Board of Directors

Integrantes de la Junta Directiva de AGEXPORT  2024-2025:

Presidente:Carlos Gabriel Biguria, Vicepresidente: Francisco Ralda, Carlos Arias, Devadit Barahona, Francisco José Menéndez , Andreas Kuestermann, Jorge Mario Del Cid, Silvana Marsicovetere, Eddy Martinez, Javier Castillo, Dario Urdaneta, Guillermo Montano, Connie De Paiz, Leticia Salazar, Alejandro Toledo, Alejandro Ceballos, Estuardo Castro, Luis Pedro Solares, Estuardo Arriaga, Amador Carbadillo Y Fanny D. Estrada.

Mr. Carlos Gabriel Biguria
President of AGEXPORT
Mr. Francisco Ralda
Vice-president of AGEXPORT

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