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Export services that generate value

Creativity, dynamism, innovation, technology, and professionalism describe the Service Sector in Guatemala. With sustained growth over the past decade, it stands out for its wide range of knowledge-based services, as well as sustainable tourism and health and wellness services.


With exports to different markets, Guatemala provides solutions to companies in markets such as the United States, Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean, Europe, among others, which has an impact on exports of over US$4,273 million, according to BANGUAT data.

Sub Sectors

Global Service Solutions for the World

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Board of Directors of AGEXPORT

Integrantes de la Junta Directiva de AGEXPORT  2024-2025:

Presidente:Carlos Gabriel Biguria, Vicepresidente: Francisco Ralda, Carlos Arias, Devadit Barahona, Francisco José Menéndez , Andreas Kuestermann, Jorge Mario Del Cid, Silvana Marsicovetere, Eddy Martinez, Javier Castillo, Dario Urdaneta, Guillermo Montano, Connie De Paiz, Leticia Salazar, Alejandro Toledo, Alejandro Ceballos, Estuardo Castro, Luis Pedro Solares, Estuardo Arriaga, Amador Carbadillo Y Fanny D. Estrada.

Lic. Carlos Gabriel Biguria
President of the Board of Directors of AGEXPORT

Lic. Francisco Ralda
Vice President of the Board of Directors of AGEXPORT

Platforms and related services