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Technical tests for all needs


We are a group of trade and export facilitators with reliable and useful scientific and technological services for verifying compliance with technical and quality requirements in the international market.

Guatemala's economy is the largest in Central America, with a great diversity of industrial sectors. As a result, a wide range of laboratory services have been developed with updated technology to assist exporters in quality control processes. Tests are performed on raw materials, finished products, and products that are distributed in the local market and for export purposes.

Guatemala exceeds expectations in Laboratory services

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Labs Commission Board of Directors

Integrantes de la Junta Directiva 2024:

Luis Orellana, Presidente; Estuardo Penados, Vicepresidente; Ana Lucía Argueta, Secretaria; Rolando Ramírez, Tesorero; Begoña Garby, Vocal I; Erika Hurtado, Vocal II; Diego Monterroso, Vocal III; y Mireya Archila, Vocal IV.

Luis Orellana
President of the Board of Directors of the Labs Commission
Estuardo Penados
Vice President of the Board of Directors of the Lab Commission

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