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Information Technology
Outsourcing (ITO)

About ITO in Guatemala

The Information Technology Outsourcing Commission - ITO - consists of more than 65 Guatemalan digital companies that offer highest-quality goods and services in solutions and service as strategic allies of any organization.



Together we transcend borders and bring the best of digital talent and digital transformation through staffing, service as a product, consulting, auditing, cybersecurity and any other custom developments.


The exponential growth in the demand for Guatemalan talent in the technology industry in the last decade confirms that Guatemala is a country of great potential as an attractive option for technology companies in the short, medium and long term.



Integrantes de la Junta Directiva 2024-2026:

Presidente – Leo Rosales; Vicepresidente – Emilio Escamilla; Secretario – Stuardo López; Tesorero – Ricardo Rangel; Vocal I – Edgar Santos; Vocal II – Devadit Barahona; Vocal III – Juan Carlos Ruiz – Vocal IV – Oscar Gasrcia Colon; Director Invitado – Juan Carlos Rodriguez; Director Invitado – Lorena Bin; Director Invitado – Ernesto Moys; Director Invitado – Sofia Castillo; Director Invitado – Roberto Giron; Director Invitado – Mario Cheves
Leo Rosales
ITO President
Emilio Escamilla
ITO Vice-President

Platforms and related services