The Sector includes laboratories and ancillary service companies that provide tests, technical support, consultancy, training, certification, and research services for the food and beverage industry, agro-industry, environmental services, cosmetics, hygiene and disinfectant products, pharmaceutical, manufacturing industry in general, mining industry, medical research and health sectors.
The audits and certifications we provide are carried out according to international protocols or private client-owned protocols, for example audits on food safety, occupational health and safety programs or environmental aspects.
Our experts have extensive experience in different types of industries, including the requirements of the pharmaceutical industry for the validation of equipment and other systems.
The services provided by our members make it easier for businesses to export their products with the necessary support to meet country of origin production and legal requirements. Our services also cover local legal and production requirements. This reduces risks in the commercial exchange of products increasing security for the international buyers, thereby reducing risk management costs in commercial transactions.