Exporters Directory
Orange Economy

Orange Economy

The Orange Economy Business Cluster was set up over 7 years ago by a group of entrepreneurs with the vision of exporting their audiovisual, film, music, digital animation, graphic design, photography and marketing services - among other services -to the world. This vision motivated them to come together to leverage their creativity and talent as they shared it with the world, positioning unbeatable locations and spots, as well as highly talented and experienced local talent.


Currently, the Orange Economy Industry is one of the fastest growing and most dynamic sectors, with a vision of innovation for the country, generating more than 50,000 direct jobs in virtual reality, augmented reality, crisis management in social media, virtual events, video games, as well as reputation and digital analytics.

US$ 17 million

Projected Exports Closings as of 2022

20+ Countries

Reaching markets like the Americas, Europe and Asia.

90+ services

Grouped into 4 Broad Categories: Communications and Strategy; Audiovisual and Film; Marketing and Advertising; Technology Applications.

Service Categories

Audiovisual and Film

Commercial, artistic and audiovisual projects. Comprised of cinematography services, drones, professional photography, foodstyling, licensing, scripts, music, equipment rental, series, shows and entertainment, streaming, and professional and commercial video.

Marketing and Advertising

Traditional and digital advertising and marketing services, including animation and illustration services, branding, BTL and ATL, graphic design, graphic identity, digital printing and advertising, scientific marketing and packaging.

Communications and Strategy

Training services, communication campaigns, values campaigns, corporate communications, press releases, communication strategies, crisis management in social media and traditional media, intellectual property, writing, public relations and spokesperson services.

Technology Applications and Services

Packaged solutions with tools for virtual events and sales management that include app services, animation, digital BTL, custom web design, virtual events, augmented reality, virtual reality, and video games.

Francisco Salguero

Francisco Salguero

Mechanical Industrial Engineer / Maesters in Industrial Management

Languages: Spanish and English


Documentation and Processes under ISO standard. Development and implementation of continuous improvement projects, and efficiency. Project management. Experience in product innovation and development. Strategic management.

15 Avenue 14-72, Zone 13

Platforms and related services