Export related Services

Access all the export information about your industry BRAIN is an intelligent information system that aims to bring valuable information generated in AGEXPORT to Guatemalan exporters. Enter here

Exporter development services

The agricultural sector has comprehensive tools that support international trading for Guatemalan companies, and contribute to market diversification and the increase of exportable supply.

Digital Platforms for Trade Linkages

The Connecting Best Markets is the digital platform for business links, which sreamlines the creation of business opportunities between the Central American exportable supply and international buyers from different markets. It promotes an ecosystem for business facilitation that highlights the best profiles of leading exporting companies in the region and of international buyers in emerging industries worldwide. Both profiles are supported and verified by AGEXPORT

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Services for Members of the Agricultural Sector


By being a member of AGEXPORT through the Agricultural Sector, you can:

Building the capacity of exporting companies to comply with the FSMA Law. MSF unit

Identification and diagnosis of member and supplier needs. SIMA Unit.

Implementation of regional committees formed by companies and their suppliers.

Development and management of irrigation projects to overcome with seasonal agriculture, in addition to increasing productivity before our government and support agencies.

Design and implementation of certificate courses on commodities with export potential.

Risk analysis studies for a number of commodities to gain access to markets with the opportunity for sustainable growth through the MSF unit.

Plataforms and Services to promote International Trading

Guatemala Beyond Expectations

Movement formed by exporter companies committed to Guatemalan-made products and services with quality that exceeds expectations

Trade Information

Statistics, research, studies and best markets, products & services.


Trade platform that brings together Guatemalan producers and exporting companies for the purpose of creating value chains.


Events where the main actors of the productive chain of the sector: researchers, technicians, producers, exporters and importers, meet to present and share their experiences, results, innovations, research and success stories.

International Pavilions

Participación en ferias internacionales en el mundo con pabellón país de los exportadores, promoviendo la oferta exportable.

Trade Shows

National events that pursue international objectives and projection for exportable supply.

Registration with FDA

Company account creation service in the FDA system.

One Stop Shop for Exports -VUPE-

Digital platform that facilitates the export process of Guatemalan commodities.

The Path to International Trading

Program that trains, advises and accompanies Guatemalan companies to export their commodities and services.

Business School


Professional and specialized training for professionals, entrepreneurs, businessmen and senior executives with a leadership and global vision.


Processing exports by sea for exporters as an option to reduce operational costs.

Specialized Consulting

Specialized professional support to strengthen company obligations in national and international markets.

Platforms and related services