Exporters Directory
Ornamental Plants, Foliage and Flowers

Ornamental Plants, Foliage and Flowers Companies

Ornamental Plants, Foliage and Flowers Sector

Tiene una trayectoria de más de 35 años, constituida en 1987 Se conforma por un grupo de 80 empresas productoras/exportadoras Se producen alrededor de 500 especies y 3000 variedades. Se generan 60,000 trabajos fijos, de los cuales el 75% son mujeres del área rural. Este Subsector ha tenido un crecimiento sostenido en los últimos años de un 8% a un 12% anual. La gran diversidad de climas y microclimas del país permite cultivar especies nativas y muchas otras introducidas, las cuales se han adaptado con facilidad. Todas ellas son exportadas en múltiples formas: plantas en medio cultivo, enraizadas y brotados, bulbos, tips, rizomas, acodos o puntas, así como flores cortadas, presentadas en “consumer bunches” o bouquets

US$ 122,000,000 M

There was positive growth after the pandemic

+50 Countries

Par excellence, the largest markets are the United States and Europe

+500 species and +3000 varieties

Due to the microclimates, native species and other introduced species are grown.

Product Categories

Ornamental Plants


Ornamental plants are crops used as decoration elements because it is not a scientific classification or family of plants.

The Subsector uses the following groups of ornamental plants in their most differentiated types: Tropical cuttings, Cold climate cuttings, Palms Stems, Bedding plants, Bromeliads.

Plantas sansevieria trifasciata

Cut foliage


Cut foliage are the leaves removed from the plants to be used as decoration (usually together with cut flowers).

The subsector uses the following groups of cut foliage in its most differentiated types: Chamaedorea, Leather fern, Xate, Tree fern.

Follaje de corte

Cut Flowers


Cut flowers are flowers and buds with stems and leaves removed from the plant to be used as decoration. The cut flower is an attractive option and a way to diversify local production.

The following groups of cut flowers are used in their most differentiated types: Roses, Carnations, Chrysanthemums, Heliconias, Fillers, Strelitzia, Ginger Flowers, Anthuriums.

Arreglo floral con rosas en su mayoría



The tillandsia is an aerial species with no roots.


Better known as "air carnation" or "air plant".

Planta área color verde y un centro color morado.
Brigitte Obrock

Brigitte Obrock

Degree in international relations. Master in Business Administration with emphasis in Organizational Management

Languages: Spanish, German, English, Italian


16 years of experience in development of exporting companies. Specialist in the agricultural sector and ornamental plants, foliage and flowers. Free trade agreements. Negotiation. National and international commercial promotion.

15 Avenue 14-72, Zone 13

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