During 35 years in Guatemala, a group of 125 producing/exporting companies have been formed, which produce around 500 species and 3000 varieties, creating 60,000 stable sources of employment, 15,000 permanent jobs, 75% of which are women.
On this basis, an export activity has been developed that shows a growing and sustained dynamic, with a growth rate of 8-12%, which contributes to the income of foreign currency to the country by approximately 120 million U.S. Dollars. The Ornamental Plants, Foliage and Flowers Subsector consists of growers and exporters of live plants, cut foliage and cultivated flowers. Its production covers more than 200 species and 250 varieties of plants, more than 10 species of flowers and more than 10 species of foliage. The great diversity of climates and microclimates in the country allows the cultivation of native species and many other new species, which have adapted easily. All of them are exported in multiple forms: plants in growth medium, rooted and sprouted, bulbs, tips, rhizomes, layers or tips, as well as cut flowers, presented in "consumer bunches" or bouquets.