Persian Lime is exported throughout the year, however, the peak season is from July to September. Exports of Persian Lime go to these markets: United States 70%, European Union 20% and Central America 5%. It includes groups of small and medium holders that generate 5,000 jobs in the entire production chain from planting to marketing.
Persian Lime is exported throughout the year, however, the peak season is from July to September. Exports of Persian Lime go to these markets: United States 70%, European Union 20% and Central America 5%. It includes groups of small and medium holders that generate 5,000 jobs in the entire production chain from planting to marketing. Guatemala also exports dehydrated lime, also a part of the exportable supply. Its main destinations are the United States and the Middle East. Several exporting companies and producing farms in Guatemala are committed to good agricultural and manufacturing practices. This allows them to be certified with Global G.A.P., SMETA and GRASP, among others, and thus be able to supply the European Union, European and Central American markets.