Events and Trainings



Special Certificate Course for Professionals of the Health and Wellness Tourism Sector

Comprehensive program for professionals of the health sector with a focus on making Health and Wellness Services an international business.

Health and Wellness Tourism Congress in Guatemala

Event directed to the professionals of all branches of health for updating, linking and promoting Health and Wellness Services locally and internationally.

Reconnaissance trips to the sector in Guatemala for partners and potential customers

Reconnaissance tours of the Health and Wellness Sector in Guatemala to promote the country as a specialty service destination.

Health and Wellness Congress in Guatemala

Event for health companies and professions interested in updating their knowledge on health internationally, and to promote networking and business opportunities for the sector, thus positioning Guatemala as a Health and Wellness tourism destination.

Destination Health

Has the objective of promoting Guatemala in the international arena as a Health and Wellness Tourism special destination.

Subsector Activities

Exporters Directory
Health and Wellness Tourism Commission

Platforms and related services