Exporter services

Access all the export information about your industry BRAIN is an intelligent information system that aims to bring valuable information generated in AGEXPORT to Guatemalan exporters. Enter here

Course for Certified Industrial Laboratory Technicians

It is a training program to complement the technical knowledge of laboratory personnel who already have practical experience, but generally do not have related technical training.


Laboratory Export Management Program

Training program designed for laboratory owners and managers who want to expand their services outside of the country.


Training in the Interpretation of the ISO 17025 Standard and Training for Internal Laboratory Assessors

Training for laboratory personnel in charge of maintaining and managing laboratory accreditation based on the ISO 17025 standard.

Exporter development services

Networking Digital and Face to Face Platforms

The "Guatelabs Expo" platform is being developed as the means for the Labs sector to make business contacts and disseminate the industry's offering.

Services for Lab Commission members

As a member of the Labs Commission, you gain access to:

We offer training in technical and business subjects, such as the Course for Certified Industrial Laboratory Technicians and the Laboratory Export Management Program. Additionally, we provide training on the interpretation of the ISO 17025 standard and training for laboratory assessors.

Proficiency testing services for food, environmental, and construction laboratories.

We create business opportunities through intersectorial networking and organizing training events for sectors of commercial interest for us.

We provide assistance in dealing with national authorities to facilitate the provision of international services, including importing sample handling procedures.

Export plataforms and services

Trade Missions


Visits to international markets. Development of tailored business agendas for exporters seeking business opportunities in the cities they visit.

Path to international trading


Program that trains, advises and provides support to Guatemalan companies that export their products and services.

Specialized consultation


Specialized professional support to strengthen abidance by company of their obligations in national and international markets.

Guatemala Beyond Expectations


Movement formed by exporting companies committed to the quality of products and services made in Guatemala that exceed expectations.

Graduate Business School


Professional and special training for officers, entrepreneurs and high executives who lead and have a gobal vision.

Best Markets & Services

Business opportunities that offer a big business potential for Guatemalan products and services.

Exporters Directory

Platforms and related services