Export Development Services

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Exporter development services

The Fruit Subsector supplys the following services for the growth of your company and export of your products: Compliance with Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS) in target markets, Strengthening the phytosanitary and safety program in fruits, Training and technical assistance in SPS; continue with the alliance to expand fly-free areas, Fruit pesticide monitoring system, Markets and Admissibility, Follow-up on the admissibility of different markets of interest. Participation in national and international fairs; Industrialization of exotic fruits; Communication; Development of a communication plan for the fruit sector, applied research, technical cooperation agreements with entities related to the sector.

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Fruit Subsector Services


As a member of AGEXPORT through the Fruits Subsector, you can:

Personalized accompaniment in work plan by associated company

Management of admissibility and access to the specific fruit market

Development of exotic fruit projects

Customized assistance in processes related to production and export by company.

Identification of business needs and opportunities of members

Technical assistance in the implementation of regulations.

Preparation of the list of authorized pesticides in target markets.

Find alternatives to add value to your products

Research to improve field and post-harvest management.

Research on potential export products

Value field tours for members.

Specialized events, as required by the sector.

Management of funds for certification of production units for export, as required by the target market.

Relationship with actors in the production chain to facilitate the member's business. (greenhouses, inputs, services, innovation, educational entities, among others).

Representativeness of the sector in national and international events, as well as in commercial negotiations to search for new markets.

Generation of strategic alliances between government agencies and the private sector.

Certification projects and business sustainability.

Platforms and services for the generation of international business

Guatemala Beyond Expectations

Movement of leaders that promotes, positions and supports the quality of its people, products, and services to position Guatemala as a country that exceeds expectations.

Commercial information

Statistics, research, studies and best Markets, Products & Services

International Pavilions

Participation in more international trade fairs around the world in the country's exporters' pavilion to promote exportable supply.

Trade Shows

Nation-wide events that aim for international targets and projection for exportable supply.


A trade platform that brings together Guatemalan growers with exporters for the purpose of creating value chains.

Internationalization Route

Professionalization and specialization for professionals, entrepreneurs, businessmen and senior executives with leadership and global vision.

Higher School of Business

Professionalization and specialization for professionals, entrepreneurs, businessmen and senior executives with leadership and global vision.

Single Window for Exports -VUPE-

A digital platform that facilitates the export process of Guatemalan products.

Specialized Consulting

Specialized professional support to strengthen compliance with the obligations of companies in the national and international markets.

FDA Registration

Company account creation service before the FDA system.


Events where leading actors in the sector's productive chain meet.


Export procedures by sea for exporting companies as an option to reduce operating costs.

Exporters Directory
Fruits Commission

Platforms and related services