Exporter Development Services

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Exporter development services

We have a dedicated coordinator for member support and backing, responding to requests, providing solutions and being an ally in the development of members' business visions. Additionally, the organization has specialists and professionals who are experts in technical, legal and financial assistance to provide customized support in internationalization processes.


We work constantly to provide training opportunities, seminars, workshops and high-value activities according to industry trends and requirements. We continuously promote project development, search and management with national and international cooperation agencies for developing and strengthening the sector. As a member of the commission, you will have the chance to participate in networking, training and leadership events that lead to generating new experiences and business opportunities locally and internationally.

Commercial Link Platforms

Participation in our own and third-party events for promoting the country as well as business services to respond to requests that require creative, innovative and differentiated services.

Services when joining Orange Economy

As a Member of the Orange Economy you have access to:

Digital and print communications materials

Presence in Social Media


Listing in the Commission's Catalog

Reel of the Commission

Representation in local and international fairs and events

Exports Platforms and Services

Trade Missions


Visits to international markets, tailoring business agendas for companies seeking to explore business opportunities in the cities visited.

Internationalization Route


Program that trains, advises and supports Guatemalan companies to enable them to export their products and services.

Specialized Consulting


Specialized professional support to enhance compliance with the obligations of companies in national and international markets.

Guatemala Beyond Expectations


Movement established by exporting companies committed to the quality of made-in-Guatemala products and services that exceed expectations.

School of Business


Professionalization and specialization for professionals, entrepreneurs, businessmen and senior executives with leadership and global vision.

Best Markets & Services

Greatest potential opportunities for Guatemalan exportable goods and services.

Exporters Directory
Orange Economy

Platforms and related services