Due to its nature, this sector is well aware that the success of its operations is directly related to the sustainable management of fishing populations, water quality, aquatic ecosystems, the environment and a good relationship with the communities surrounding its operations. In addition, this sector has included in its sustainability strategy aspects related to legislation, interaction with surrounding communities and their workers and other aspects of corporate social responsibility, as reflected and guaranteed through the International Certifications they hold. Those most common certifications are Best Aquaculture Practices of the Global Aquaculture Alliance (BAP/GAA), Aquaculture Stewardship Council of the World Wildlife Fund (ASC/WWF), Marine Stewardship Council of the World Wildlife Fund (MSC/WWF), GLOBALG.A.P, SMETA 4 pillars from Sedex, Naturland (organic aquaculture). These Certifications also include considerations on animal welfare, food safety, traceability, the environment and community relations.